Paper Insect Warrior
Insect Warrior Handcrafted paper sculpture based on a design by Florian Biege, 2020 Materials: Crepe Paper, Wire, Pastel Chalk, Glue, Paint, modeling clay (eyes) A...
Ghost Orchid
Ghost Orchid Dendrophylax lindenii Handcrafted paper sculpture 2020 Materials: Crepe Paper, Wire, Pastel Chalk, Glue, Paint, driftwood This is a delicate paper flower sculpture of...
Paper Axolotl
Axolotl Handcrafted paper sculpture 2020 Materials: Crepe Paper, Wire, Pastel Chalk, Glue, Paint, modeling clay (eyes) This is a delicate sculpture of an Axolotl I...
Monochrome Mantis
Mantis Religiosa Handcrafted paper sculpture 2020 This is a delicate sculpture of a Mantis Religiosa I created with artist’s Crepe Paper. For my sculptures, I...
Phyllium Leaf Insect
Leaf Insect (Phyllium) Handcrafted paper sculpture 2020 Crepe Paper Sculpture of a Phyllium Leaf Insect. These Insects, also called ‘Walking Leaves’, can be found in...
Orchid Mantis
Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus Coronata) Handcrafted paper sculpture 2020 (sold) Materials: Crepe Paper, Wire, Pastel Chalk, Glue, Paint, modeling clay (eyes) This is a Orchid Mantis...
Paper Toy Rat
Jedes Jahr zum chinesischen Neujahrsfest entwerfe ich ein Paper Toy, das es dann auf meinem Blog zum nachbasteln gibt. Dieses war für 2020, das Jahr...
Paper Moth: Emerald Moth
Large Emerald Moth (Geometra papilionaria) Handcrafted paper sculpture2019 Sculpture of a Large Emerald Moth found in europe. It belongs to the family of Geometridae and...
Paper Moth: Canary Shouldered Thorn
Canary Shouldered Thorn (Ennomos alniaria) Handcrafted paper sculpture2019 Sculpture of a Canary Shouldered Thorn moth found in europe. I love their beautiful yellow color and...